Service Line Material Search

Is Your Service Line Made Of Lead?

The most common source of lead in tap water is interior plumbing and service lines.  Being aware of your service line material is important for your health.  Use our Service Line Material search below to find out what material your service line is made of.

It's easy: simply enter your address below and search.  Matching results will be displayed including the type of service line and year of installation.

You can also self-report the material used in the customer side of your service line if it is listed as "Lead Status Unknown."   Simply click the Self Report button and complete the form.



Service Line Material Search

Richmond, KY 40475



Address Service Material Customer Material Year Last Updated
No results found. Please contact customer service if you are unable to find the desired address.
{{full_address}} {{service_material}} {{customer_material}} Self Report {{year}} {{updated}}